Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Calm After The Storm


Fuckin' Folk Fair.

What is Folk Fair?  For those of you who don't know, it is a large culture fair that takes over one of the academic buildings on campus.  Every cultural organization (and then some) gets a room or a table to put up an informational display about their country.  And sell food.  Seriously, people only really come for the food.

This year was particularly exciting because FFF fell on Halloween weekend, which is really weird timing, and also because none of us had ever planned a FFF before.  Nor did any of us live off campus and have a nice private kitchen and a grown-up refrigerator.  Fridge stuffed full of butter.  The worst part is that we grossly overestimated how much we needed.  We would have been more than okay with half the amount.  Fuckin' butter.

It's for cheesecake.  German cheesecake, that I should be allowed near because I ended up destroying two when taking them out of the pans and making one that did not get cooked all the way through (which really wasn't my fault, but I still had a hand in making it).  It is an absolute bitch to make, but after the first bite, you suddenly remember why we go through all this trouble every year for that damn cheesecake, because it is so freakin' good.

And it's over.  One more year done.  I swear I will never do it again, at the same time knowing that I will in fact get suckered into it.  But at least I have another ten months to relax and not think about it.  I can focus on distributing the gear to the fencing team, which shouldn't be too hard except that one girl is MIA and I'm starting to get a little worried.  Then I have to get the team to a tournament, which would be a lot easier if I knew how many were going, but they have not responded to at least a dozen emails.  Like herding canaries.

I have an exam on Monday, and an exam on Tuesday, and a research paper I should probably get started on, I still have no idea what I'm going to do for NaNoWriMo, and I'm likely going to catch my roommate's cold tomorrow.  Yeah.  Now that FFF is done, I can totally relax.  At least I don't have to bake anything.